Attraction - Clever Repulsion, 2023
video 2.48, ceramic, foam, silicon, wood 

The pattern of the waves is generated by the wind
Time feels slow hanging from a buoy 
Feeling the wrinkle patterns on my fingertips 
The sun’s direction against my face
The weight of my body in the water 
Tell me the time - or rather the time that has passed

When the wind determines a lemon is past its prime 
It thrusts it onto the ground 
Letting the sun, soil animals, microorganisms absorb its mass 
I aim to beat the wind 
Grasping the liquid gold and placing it in the bottom of my dress 
I collect 
Juggling the reaching with the keeping  
I find I quickly can balance no more
The awkward lemons roll and tumble into the sink  

Just how one should brush their teeth - with a bristle brush  
I shine the rinds in a circular pattern 
A curious habit  
As rinds are disregarded   
The time spent examining them –  meditative  
It transports me to shallow sea floor 
Belly skimming the below 
My feet lightly acting as a propeller  
Ankles undulating up and down up and down 
No knee motion my knees might just get poked  
It happened  
That sudden ping pin feeling  
As my skin grazed against a sea urchin needles 
Unlike a lemon that persuaded me to grasp it and pick it  
As I pluck the sea urchin needles from my knee  
I think – what a clever repulsion  

Slicing a lemon baked in the Mediterranean sun – it oozes with juice 
Slicing, turning, placing, squeezing, pouring again and again 
The form and pattern remind me of a sea urchin  
The population vast and dense  

Urchins heal - medicinal to the sea 
Like a lemon in hot water soothes a sore throat 
Their natural inkling in to soak up the bad 
A balancing act  

If you dunk a PH strip in the sea it would come back a green/blue  
The acidity in saline bodies of water is much higher 
A concern is the ever increasing acidity in the ocean 

My grip loosens  
I can feel my hand as  
Each finger releases from the buoy 
I am no longer  
Hanging, bobbing or dangling  
But rather sinking  
Eyes wide open 
Witnessing my foot stay tangled in the rope  
As my body flips  
Head deeper than my toes  
My ear following the ring  
The deep ring  
At the bottom  

The sea swallows  
It never digests 
Objects are smoothed by grains of sand when they are submerged - they do not disapear
They rather add weight  
Some are more favorable to the sea
Other objects ingested are simply pollutants 
If you spend a generous amount of time upside down 
What you find at the bottom of the stomach lining of the sea is hard to absorb 

Leaving behind remnants of our shelters – and existences  
The sea does not shelter in the same way  
It does not need our protection our warmth – 
It needs distance  

However, we continue to intrude  
Not hearing it scream  
Rather increasing our presence  
Hoping that by hugging harder it will love us more 

Releasing – my body naturally floats to the surface  
The right ear feels the wind first  
While the left still hears a faint ring 
Wind fully surrounds  
The ringing stops 
My own tether in the line of buoys  
Unless you are underneath  
Listening to the lungs of the sea breath  
One can ignore the ring